Tailwind CSS Config

Maizzle comes with an email-tailored tailwind.config.js

Spacing units

Because they are poorly supported in email, rem units have been replaced with px ones, with values better suited for email client viewports.


Emails still need to use inline CSS, most notably for these reasons:

  • Outlook only reads the first class in a class="" attribute, and ignores the rest. So it'll only use a from class="a b"
  • Some email clients don't support embedded CSS (i.e. in <style>)

Because of this, the important option is set to true, in order for the responsive utilities to actually override inlined CSS:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  important: true,


Separators like : in hover:bg-black or / in w-1/2 need to be \escaped in CSS.

Because some email clients (Gmail 👀) fail to parse selectors with escaped characters, Maizzle normalizes all your CSS selectors and HTML classes, replacing any escaped characters it finds with -.

So you can safely use Tailwind's awesome default separator and write classes like sm:w-1/2 - Maizzle will convert that to sm-w-1-2 in your compiled template:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  separator: ':',
  theme: {
    width: {
      '2/5': '40%', // w-2-5
      '50%': '50%', // w-50pc
      '2.5': '0.625rem', // w-2_5


Maizzle uses a desktop-first approach with max-width, instead of Tailwind's default mobile-first with min-width.

Of course, you're free to adjust this as you like:

screens: {
  sm: {'max': '600px'},

@screen sm

A breakpoint for mobile devices, adjust as needed.

More on screens, in the Tailwind CSS docs ↗


You can of course use any Tailwind plugin, please see the docs.